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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Episode 3 - my audio Journal, I have taken you to lunch today

Talking about work at lunch. Very happy about going up north. Have a web page e-mail Don't know if I'm going to get
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  1. Thanks for the shout out, Mary! (And darn you for making me jealous about your chicken quesadilla.) :-) Also, yes: I'd love to be able to chate once in awhile more often.

    And one more thanks for leaving a comment about my own TalkShoe podcast. It was you who inspired me to at least play with the service and put myself out there.


  2. Michelle

    it was a lot of fun eating lunch and talking. It was hard but it was fun. It was strange when I got some looks. I think people thought I was strange for talking to myself. Yet, I don't care, I can talk to a computer all day long. :) I some times get mad at the work computer for doing strange things.

    I hope you will find that Talk shoe will help you with your podcast.
