Hi and I'm cold bills that I need to pay First time with the 3rd work coach appointment last night was so good I pod crashed again still loving my I touch I saw the I pad talking about books that I would like to read
www(dot)theeyesinwhichIseetheworld(dot)blogspot(dot)com my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com
Hi everyone. it's snowing again There is not much going on this past weekend I put up 4 podcast I cleaned my closet in the bed room pre- paxil post paxil next weekend things I found some apps that are going to help me Down sizing podcast.
Lunch reading about I miss. It's an app.
done for the day: no appointments Up date on work coach.
weather up date it is still raining.
What do you do when you would like to read about something that is not the same as you believe. This is just my thought I feel like I can read l and have friends who don't believe the same thing as me. What do you think?
More app quietens? found some good apps all over the place.
www(dot)theeyesinwhichIseetheworld(dot)blogspot(dot)com my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com
Hi all it's Friday, and it was the last time with the old work coach I'm never going to see this person the weather and the way I feel are the same Gray This weekend I don't know what I'm going to do I feel stuck.
Work was taking it's time to get in today. We all were doing different things all day. lost of podcast are going to go up this weekend sorry.
www(dot)theeyesinwhichIseetheworld(dot)blogspot(dot)com my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com
Hi all. I'm using my new I touch to record stress old work coach and new work coach Up to day on one podcast after today no more appointment for the week trying to get a new drug in the right place (Drug from the doctor)
I'm still trying to work out Taking about new work coach
www(dot)theeyesinwhichIseetheworld(dot)blogspot(dot)com my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com
Hi guys it's episode 102 don't like driving in the dark work coach is going to be different I talk about how much my work couch is going through. I get to keep talking about her I'm very scared about this whole thing with the work couch. I have a hard time trusting. talk about MRC I have set up dead lines for myself to try and help me get use to going to the new work coach. I don't think that I did a very good job.
Weather up date heat wave in MN in the 20 and 30 degrees.
finding all this stuff out made me go get an I touch. Like you heard in the last show. I have not payed for anything. I have been looking at all the free stuff.
Yesterday I could not go to work on time. But I was out late that night because I had so much to do.
www(dot)theeyesinwhichIseetheworld(dot)blogspot(dot)com my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com
Hi all, and it's 2010 Sorry for the none podcasting I was in A Z I found out that my I Pod's hard drive is crashing I'm going to be trying to work out more this year. been blogging a lot I'm still here. I'm not letting the C P run my life any more 2010 is going to have changes and I am going to make changes.
I would like to go to the CMNC this year If I go it will take up another week. I'm back to the doctor's
Doctor would like to see me in two weeks declaring is still happening B-friend is the best
www(dot)theeyesinwhichIseetheworld(dot)blogspot(dot)com my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com