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Sunday, November 8, 2009

episode 70 change

Today is a day for some big changes for me. This weekend was very hard because I have not been able to sleep that well at all. We all know that my meds are all mest up and there is not much I can do about them at this time. I have wanted to lose about 40 to 45 lb. I have needed a dead line. and I have a date. The date will be the day that mom and dad come home. That is my goal is getting down by Easter. I might not put it on my public blog. I will be putting it on another place.
I need to make a chart to for the doctor about my shaking so that is something I need to do.

I got a whole lot of things done today. And I'm very happy about it. I did not just sit in frunt of the computer. I'm needing to go to target but I need a new planer.
"not on the radio"

Podcast that I have listen to this weekend
Barbin Nebrashka's Audio Boo
Catholicfoodie's AudioBoo
Chefmark's audio Boo
Pcamarata's Audioboo
TupeloRob's Audo Boo Pursuing a Balnced life

my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com

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