time to listen to the body talk to work coach work talk I need some time off family talk talk to the doctor and I had written then down. working on a blog on my disability My C P is getting worries I touch app talking: I'm going to try and read a book on my I touch.
Hi ever one I would like to say that I did very good when it was very cold but right now I'm not doing that great with the cold
Really we are having a heat wave and I'm still cold
time talking to my mom in the winter place
appointments are happening all week
I would love to go to the home and garden show
I'm trying to go to daily mass. I'm trying not to be the person that looks like "look at me, look at me." My whole department goes to mass and it's very quick. If I don't get there. I use the sqpn and my Imiss when I can't get there. Quested about praying the Rosary?
I don't like the path that God has laid out for me.
should I change jobs or not
I Touch all of my accounts are now on my I touch I'm so happy.
I'm still kind of sick I don't spend time on the computer
I'm done for the day I'm going to daily mass It reminds me of the church that I use to go to when I was a little kid. I talk about going to church and how I feel
my life is on the low key of things I am a work in progress Learning more about my C P using speech out put about CP. I love Mac Books and apple things. don't speck until spoken to long few weeks reading a book Trapping a duchess
It's Sunday and I'm sick I tell you about what I am doing for lent this year talking about when I was little What I do now at during this time as an older person this is a very hard time for me I also talk about that why would God want to come into the world and died.
Hi all it's the afternoon talking about work and talking to other people from other banks I am very wiped Talking about going out to ST Paul next week moving things to I touch I'm doing something for a friend and it's taking more time than I thought it would more talk about the new work coach nice weather TV is something I don't do any more
www(dot)theeyesinwhichIseetheworld(dot)blogspot(dot)com my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com
Hi all, it's not on time but I am getting to work. Work coach #3 I have been talking to my Doctors about this The weather is great it's ash Wednesday thanks for staying with me for 116 shows dreams that I have had stress of work talking about podcast I am getting closer to knowing if I'm going to the CMNC.
www(dot)theeyesinwhichIseetheworld(dot)blogspot(dot)com my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com
writing e-mail talking about work coach can't run away for things with EMDR Been a long weekend for me change were my blog is. Looking at others blog Love the b-friend talking about I miss from the app store I'm giving up on the snow. I'm going to get through it. going to my bank right now
I went to daily mass. It reminds me of the old church that we went to out in C A. I was looking around the church when I went today. I find to like it a lot lent is coming up.
I did have a good day at work in some ways. No longer able to use work coach to venting place. Things are changing and I know it was going to. I could see it three years ago that it was not going to be a place that I was going to be able to keep using them. Over all it's going to be very hard on me. I don't know what to tell the work coach and what not to say.
the sun is out today.
Feb 12 2010 I had to tell some one about my dream last night. This dream was something that I could see myself doing. I got up and it made me feel really good for the some reason.
side note for a friend and I think it is funny because we also talk to each other thought out our podcast.
I'm having a hard time sleeping again.
I got a twitter from a friend that she is not doing here podcast any more
When to church.
next day I'm having a good day work coach called me. I'm learning to myself. dinner last night got up late but got to work on time going to PT My feet hurt and I'm hoping she is going to look at them after PT I'm in my car as I'm sitting there.
it's nice day out the temp is 30 F so that is very good no appointments I need to get some daily things. work was hard today. I was shaking in a very different way. Life just happened and I did not sign up for did not go to P T yesterday I could not walk and I didn't go to work. On Friday I am going to St Paul to get my orthotics fixed
This weekend I am going to my sisters to see the foot ball party.
thinking about just getting the Mac book for $999. But really I don't know.
If I don't go to the cmnc this year I am getting my mac book
If I go I'm not getting my mac book
www(dot)theeyesinwhichIseetheworld(dot)blogspot(dot)com my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com
It snowed, It was a lot of snow. Ice was under the snow There was a lot of car accidents all over the city I didn't see any when I came in to work People are driving to fast After work I still see snow on my car. I am kicking the snow off my car I have my lay from church is in my car. I think that Mary was looking out for me today.
Today is EMDR.
Do you guys ever read my blog?
My I pod is still crashing right and left. When should I get a new one?
I'm learning that this year I have not been complaining about how cold it is.
I'm going to see if her new glasses are ready.
I found a app for my budget.
I'm going to be using my FSA.
www(dot)theeyesinwhichIseetheworld(dot)blogspot(dot)com my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com
Just talking about what I did over the weekend. Thinking out what I'm doing. Targrt and my check book are best friends working on budget I'm putting money away for my trip this year.
Gold for me right now is to move.
Last week I was so cold and the doctor said I need to get up and move more. I told her how much I hurt when I move.
No big places today.
I Went to church late night. I have feeling that I will be going back to church. Hey if it was gets me back to church it is a good thing.
www(dot)theeyesinwhichIseetheworld(dot)blogspot(dot)com my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com