Morning up date:
I brought my paper shred stuff to work. So that is out of the house.
When I got to work, I started to talking about work.
How d0 you know what is the best job for you?
I can walk a little bit again. So, you guys are going to get a lunch update.
Lunch time:
Just told you what I was eating for lunch. I am glad that I got some steps in today.after work:
home to clean todayWere am I going to
I'm not going any were today. The appointment that I had to day was canceled. So that made me so happy.
podcast that I have listen to:
manic Monday podcast( I'm not puting the link in. I just found out he ended his podcast and there are not very many in I tunes.)Meggie's world Podcast
daily breakfest
my blog: www(dot)bear1mary(dot)blogspot(dot)com
my podcast www(dot)myaudiojournal(dot)blogspot(dot)com
E-mail www(dot)myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com
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