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Monday, December 28, 2009

Episode 99 I only have 24 more hour befor I'm out of here!!!

Hi all, I can see the shy and the sun.
the snow is still here, but I am count down the time when I get get out of town.
thinking about changing it up again.

I have EMDR

I have to see the work coach
co-worker got a I touch for Christmas
The big I pod crashed big time

Dec 30
In 24 hours I will be out of town.
I have the last appointment for the year
drop of my car
no new years things.
thinking that what I'm going to for the year
sister love

If Every Day were Christmas from Music alley

www(dot)theeyesinwhichIseetheworld(dot)blogspot(dot)com my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Episode 98 from the great up north

Hi from the great up north
still talking about the snow storm
I'm so happy that I'm getting out of the snow
talk about disability
talk about my feettalk about cold

Merry Christmas to you all. I HOPE your 2010.

www(dot)theeyesinwhichIseetheworld(dot)blogspot(dot)com my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Episode 97

This is a back log
Good morning all

snow is here

on my way to work

my person blog is now

If you have a blog can you please send it my way again??

Work is over. I will not have to work until the 28th of this month

all the talk is snow.

www(dot)theeyesinwhichIseetheworld(dot)blogspot(dot)com my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

episode 96 The storm is coming

Big storm is coming this way. On the news they were saying to get out of town if you can. From what people on the news said it was a very big storm that went through some of the other states.

I have to drive on the 24th Christmas eve when I go to work.

Hopeing that the storm comes and leaves

friends around the USA I give you a happy day

I have P T today and it will be the end of it for the year.
I'm learning how to use a new thing to get sound bits
It dark out and I don't like it.
I'm returning things again
talking about bills again

started a budget
Everyone at work and on the new has said we are going to get this storm still
All gifts are in my hand.
Talking about my life and saying why I don't like my life with the docter.
Still talking about life and talking about how this year was. Me talking about the trial. processing

after P T

Storm is here

Here is the question of the podcast

what do you when your family starts to grow?
what do you expect your kids to do as adults?

www(dot)theeyesinwhichIseetheworld(dot)blogspot(dot)com my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

episode 95 getting done with gift buying

I all Today I stated at lunch talking about lunch things.

got done with all the shopping done with my shopping for all of my x-miss

I got music that I tuns doesn't have what I wanted so I had to go buy it.

I got the music to twilight

I got the music for new moon

listen to Cliff and Steph on the twilight saga

The big Storm has not come yet.

The afternoon:

something that drives me up the wall

not in a good mood

I'm possessing a lot of things right now.

Thinking of bills and talking it through

I'm getting out of town for the snow.

Hope your day is good and hope you have a good day tomorrow.

Everyone has stress but I feel my stress feel much bigger

www(dot)theeyesinwhichIseetheworld(dot)blogspot(dot)com my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com

Monday, December 21, 2009

episode 94 the week of Christmas

Monday and I still don't know what I'm getting the boy friends brother
Thinking about what happen over the weekend and how much fun I had
Being happy that things went the way they did
Landry needs to get done tonight

Done at P T
I was a very hurting person

I am going shopping this afternoon
going to see PT one more time this week
I made appointment for Jan 2010

Again I'm thinking of me changing my spot that my personal blog is at. I am thinking of paying it.
Here is a up date
I have changed my blog to WWW.theeyesinwhichIseetheworld,

Talk about how the year has changed me.

steph's random thoughts

www(dot)TheeyesinwhichIseetheworld(dot)blogspot(dot)com my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com

Sunday, December 20, 2009

episode 93 last weekend and Christmas things

Hi all. The weekend before Christmas and I'm taking it off from shopping.
Soukup Christmas is this weekend
Thompson Christmas is Sunday
Taking lots of pitchers
feel different
I talk about the trial.
talking about first year things

I am doing more things on Sunday
Shopping for Christmas

www(dot)bear1mary(dot)blogspot(dot)com my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com

episode 92 what comes around will go around

Dreaming last night
talk about snakes
balance is off today
Going to doctors today
I'm not done shopping
Talking about friends and other religions
in the red at the end of the year

Done at doctor's. I got very cold and I had a shaking spell.
very good appointment that I had
One's I get cold I will stay cold
now I'm going to work
trying not to write check at the end of the year
off to work

Things I really like:
Doctor was running late
Maggie's world
Cliff from GSPN.TV
what goes around comes around
I talk about people get so mad about not getting things right away.
people need to slow down
I'm going out and shopping

What to keep your eye on?
I'm trying to keep my eyes on the lord coming down.
The blog that I was talking about was this one
adorot ed devote

What is a toll lane?

Thank you Matthew ebel for the Music

www(dot)bear1mary(dot)blogspot(dot)com my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

episode 91 First day back from a little brake in December

Good morning all.
Sorry I have not able to podcast in the last few days.
C P is acting up and I don't like it
I'm liking auto books right now.
Archangel Novel that is a good book

Monday was a lot of fun. I had coffee with a friend.
I also had an appointment in ST Paul.
PT at 2 pm but could not get me in early.
I also had to then go take my car to the shop and spend over $600.00.
when I got home I was so tiered and I really wanted to go to bed. I had walked over 4000 steps
I got really sick

I'm going to Target today.
today is lunch talking to co-workeds about what is going to be going on.

Needed Cliff for

www(dot)bear1mary(dot)blogspot(dot)com my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com

Sunday, December 13, 2009

episode 90 christmas at my sisters

getting things done today:
hair cut
I also have a car problems
I'm going to my sisters for Christmas
hot chocolate is in sit
I'm very happy to be going to see my sisters little boy open his gifts
Next week we have the Soukup's Christmas and I will give him a gift from Tia.
The letter is being written

What are you doing?
What are you doing for the holidays?

my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com

Friday, December 11, 2009

episode 89 GPS never leave home without it.

Morning all
It's cold still
my legs don't like the cold. The C P is hard at this time year
I'm going to P T right now.
just rapping up the week also
saying thank you to the people who e-mail me and comment on the blog.
Going to the mall that I did not know were I was.

my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com

episode 88 first snow storm

Hi all. Good morning to you
First snow storm last night.
Driving is really hard worried about down town driving. I did say a little prayer when I was driving down town.
This is the time of year that I always have a 1/2 of tank of gas all the time
One good thing about going to work early

I got to talk to work coach
I did eat lunch
not going to doctor today
I'm going to go to doctor tomorrow.
Oh yes, when I left this morning we did not have cable So I'm hoping that we have it back.

my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

episode 87 Two day week and still have appointments

Good morning to you all.
It's cold out and it's going to snow on us
Appointments are still happening this week
Get to spend time with my sister
Auto Boo = utters
Social media question?
thinking of spring because I don't like Winter
I tell myself "try and get past the winter"

Walking more
taking more pitchers
the snow has started and I don't like snow.
Trying to get a form done from the doctors office and I'm not happy.
still dealing with the thought of seeing someone that I am very scared of

after appointment
one hour to get home.


k&k V O
K&k tourist tips

my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com

Monday, December 7, 2009

episode 84 86 talking about money and doctor's

It's a fast up date and the weekend is here.
I talk a lot of time about money.
I talk about work and the stress
talking about doctor's appointments

my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com

did not get put sorry this will get out as episode 86

episode 85 first monday off

First Monday off.
talk about how many podcast I have on the computer.
talk about I touch.
going to P T.
Talk about Christmas gifts.
talk about work.
Done at P T I love that I have the P T person but it was really hard because she found a sour spot.
Starting to get gift's.
trying to make a game pland for gifts.
buying things on I tunes.
I got one gift done and I need to get the b-friends family left.
It's snowing out.

can you answer the question.

my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

episode 83 not lack of me doing. it's lack of time at night

I talk about why you have not gotten shows
I tell you that I'm reading books.
I tell you about what my life is going to be like in the next few months.
wanting to be a bit like Cliff (one take and the put it out.)

my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com

Sunday, November 29, 2009

episode 82 going back to church

At home and having a good time
I miss my own family
face book pages
the big thing for the weekend
clean up my i tune
need addresses for people that would like your address
Don't like the cold
talk about going back to church
Dec. I am only be working four days a week

family from the heart.

my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

episode 81 the day before thanksgiving

The day before Thanksgiving
I still had to work
I took a walk
talking about trail
just getting through this part of the year.

my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

episode 80 a dream that will never come true

Not much is going on.
I am running into all of "one year ago two day. . ." this is very hard.
It was a very long day and I am trying to get past this day that for me was a year ago.
talking about a dream that I had last night. finding out that it was a dream and nothing was right.
the other thing was that I did start to text my friends about address and things like that.

April star

my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com

April star

my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com

Friday, November 20, 2009

episode 79 google wave

Did not do Fridays sorry
I had a very hard weekend
Now it's Monday and we start over
Work is calling my name
Going to P T in the afterenoon
I am not going to be with my family for the holiday
up set Friday
Vacation talk
appointments for the week
My thanks to my readers and listeners
got my invite for google wave
have questions about goolge wave.
I'm on Plurk/twitter

In the afternoon
got through my day
Body is not liking me
found out I am 100% out of pocked for medial
make a pitcher of me like the duck tape guy
2 guys 1brain

my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com

Thursday, November 19, 2009

episode 78 Just a day of talking and running around

working on the mic setting.
going out to St Paul today
The doctor in St Paul was so good today
no work coach in the office today, yet she would be back on Friday
try and work 6 hours
Holiday talk again
from different parts of the world
Daily breakfast change
Medical cover is 100% covered
I'm doing really good, and my friend called from ST Paul.
I also called another person that was a big part of my trial so I called her also.
more and more appointments before the end of the year.

New Podbook
I can't wait
The name is Guardians

Web sites are Blogs that I follow

Blogs that I like
Miscellany of musings
neko's cratch pad
steph's random thoughts

catholic weekend
Daily Breakfast

my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

episode 77 Growing up with Allergies

Hi all
Did not go to work on time allergens keep me home.
I hate not going to work on time
Dreams last night
Remembering when I was little with my allergens.

Done at work and going to P T
Some work talk but not much
some of talking about the work coach
talk about my body.
I start to question myself about if I'm getting better or not.
Talk about the holidays

Do you remember a moment in your life that is still very really for you?
Any one have a good bep.

Angelsteph thank you about just being a great friend.

my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

episode 76 I'm making my own path

This morning I talk to you all about:
what I was doing last night.
I have put twitdeck on my computer.
today I have EMDR.
I'm just as busy as last week.
Dad has H1N1.
going to go to sisters to go walk.
Got a call from a good friend and it was so nice to hear from her.

just had a meeting and I was not to happy about it.
Hope the next one is better
I get to go to EMDR!
I can see my self in some of my friends. It's like looked back on me

making my own path

biggest loser fan podcast
100 word stories

my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com

Monday, November 16, 2009

episode 75 Catholic phantom

Good morning all
running late to work
when to the D M V Today
Over the weekend talk
Christmas cards
see sister and her son

lunch time
going to the bank
I missed my nominal lunch time.
I did something over the weekend that you guys will love.

After work
get my brace looked at (call)
Dad has H1N1
hand hold mic
twett deck at work computer
Hello txt

In between Sundays

daily breakfast
Catholic family journal
saint cast
Secrets of flashforward

my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com

Saturday, November 14, 2009

episode 74 Popple and my feet would like to stay in bed

Good morning
I love this band who is Popple
It's dark out when I was going to work
Last night I was listening to Cliff. but I don't remember what was going on. I was out.
the last appointment that I had last night great.
telephone and telemarketers; please know who you are calling?
Trying to get stuff for a feed back show
sms texting at work from my family
work out (not)
FSA getting slowly
podcast listening

Gok the gospel of Kennison
nobody's listening podcast
Geek loves nerd
biggest loser fan podcast
Dialy breakfast


my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com

Thursday, November 12, 2009

episode 73 getting sick and not going to work

Morning all.
Did not work Yesterday because I felt sick
I'm running all day.
I did very good today.
Like I said I'm running from morning to end
I'm ready to go home and go to bed

Podcast that I listen to
In between Sundays
Geek Is Chic
daily quote podcast
Daily Breakfast

my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

episode 72

Hi Everyone, today I have been working on listening to my own podcast. (got behind) I did have time to do a smile one on the road. I was going from P T to home.

Podcast that I was listening to:
2 Guys, 1 Brain
60-Second Psych
60-Second Science

100 Word Stories
Being Healthy for Busy People

my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com

Monday, November 9, 2009

episode 71 a new week and I'm not going to let it get away from me

This morning was a cold but good morning. My car was very cold No rain though.
going to do laundry this after noon
the drug is still having an effecte on me.
B-friend made my lunch today
here is a cheep way to get a work out lift cans of soup.
Budget not one yet
I do have a question? listen to the podcast to find out what the question is.
I have been having to work with this weeks appointments
I got to talk to the doctor today and that is a first. It was after all day waiting for some one to call me back. But I think the reaction is going to start going away.


my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com

Sunday, November 8, 2009

episode 70 change

Today is a day for some big changes for me. This weekend was very hard because I have not been able to sleep that well at all. We all know that my meds are all mest up and there is not much I can do about them at this time. I have wanted to lose about 40 to 45 lb. I have needed a dead line. and I have a date. The date will be the day that mom and dad come home. That is my goal is getting down by Easter. I might not put it on my public blog. I will be putting it on another place.
I need to make a chart to for the doctor about my shaking so that is something I need to do.

I got a whole lot of things done today. And I'm very happy about it. I did not just sit in frunt of the computer. I'm needing to go to target but I need a new planer.
"not on the radio"

Podcast that I have listen to this weekend
Barbin Nebrashka's Audio Boo
Catholicfoodie's AudioBoo
Chefmark's audio Boo
Pcamarata's Audioboo
TupeloRob's Audo Boo Pursuing a Balnced life

my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com

Saturday, November 7, 2009

episode 69 words that I use

Just a podcast about words that I use. Not thinking that other people might not know. So thank you angelsteph

my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com

episode 68 hard week, time to change it up

Good morning all.
Time to change it up
This past week was so hard I didn't have time to get many podcast out.
Something is up but I can't put my finger on it.
I see the work coach today
meds are doing something to my body.
feeling like my life is getting the better of me


my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

episode 67 sleep, EMDR and no time off in Dec.

Today I found out that I am not going to get time off in Dec. I thought I was going to get time off at the end of Dec like I always do and now I don't get it. All year long I have been talking to my boss man about it and it was just his week that I found out that I was not going to be getting it off. GRRR. Budget talk also.

podcast today

my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com

Monday, November 2, 2009

episode 66 money and friends

Hi all I have been doing a lot of not much. Today is even more talk of money and how much I don't have any. I also talk about people that I look up to and how when you get to know them as people they are really not any different then you or me.

2 guys 1 brain ( three shows of this)

my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com

Friday, October 30, 2009

Episode 65 just a day at work and it's friday.

Long week that is so nice to get over. I do ask a few questions in this podcast. I think it's going to be a fast day but it dose not end that way. The rain is still with us and I'm very unhappy about it. I have gotten to the point that I don't like the word candy. I also start looking at the next month and I don't really want to but I do.

podcast that I have listen to
Sorry guys I didn't keep them.

my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Episode 64 Benefits from work

Good morning all, I hope you guys all have had a good time today.
Today I do a lot of talking about benefits and things that have to do with work. I didn't get a flu shot and I am up set about that. I do talk about pod-deo books, and I also talk about Podcast and how many I have. I talk about the things that just happen on an every day kind of life for mary.

full time mom
mike thinks news
millionaire or bust
no agenda
Jane Austen Pod novel
Tom Shillue Live Comedy Podcast
K&K original version

Guardians by Kimi Alexandre

my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Episode 63 Late start but a good day

I'm having a good day today. Even though I did not go to work on time but I am having a good day. People and driving. Today I am going to try and work 6 hours. P T was going to get canceled but it's Ok because I didn't think I needed it. Now next week when I hurt you guys can't use this against me. But all in all if I can get my six hours in I will get some good points at work I hope.

Podcast that I was listening to at work today
Scientific American Plus » Full Time Mom
Two Tech Chicks


my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Episode 62 Just a day

Good day to all:
As you can tell I really don't have much to say. Life is good and really there is not to much going on. I love how I think I know what episode I am on but I never know until I get here and start writing show notes. Most the time I am right but when I say anything when I am out and about I don't know.

Reading a new pod-book star struck
Daily breakfest
Daily quote podcast
podcastathon@ Jay and jack on Geek is Chic
mike news
motivation to move

Music from Jody Gnant Great day


my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com

Monday, October 26, 2009

Episode 61 changing things up

Good morning all
Yes, there are some changes that I'm doing to my podcast. I think that after 60 Episodes I'm getting it.
Not as much show notes. I just am not having as much fun when I have to do show notes. if I use music It will be here. if podcast are talked about they will be here and always the e-mail and my own blog will be in show notes. I got this from learning. Yet, you might want to always look at my little girl because she has a knack for color


my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com

Friday, October 23, 2009

Episode 60 school

Morning all:
I talk about getting things for my feet.
I also talk about the weather
I talk about money things
I talk about school. and going to school and growing up, a lot.
disability showes it's self in this podcast
snakes and little kids

my podcast e-mail myaudiojournal(at)gmail(dot)com